1.  How to register a new user?

After installing AccXchange App in mobile, then enter your mobile number after that you will receive OTP, enter OTP and your name to complete the registration of a new user.

      2.  Can I use email id for registration?

You cannot use your email id for registering a new user in mobile app, you have to enter your mobile number only.

3.  How to connect a mobile user with registered company in AccXchange?

To connect a mobile user with registered company in AccXchange there are 2 options availablea. Enter the mobile no of the user prefixed with the country ISD code in the invite a new user Tab in windows client of AccXchange, it will confirm the name of the user then the user will be automatically connected. b. Enter the AccXchange Id of the company with whim the user want to connect in mobile app, it will confirm the name of the company. After the request for connection is sent, it will be shown in the ‘Notification & requests Tab’ of the Registered Company from there you can accept or reject the request.


4.   How many companies can a mobile user can connect with
A mobile user can connect with upto 5 companies.


5.   Whether a mobile user will be counted or not in the list of connected Companies?

Yes a mobile user will be counted in the list of connected Companies


6.     Whether transactions done by mobile user will be counted in transaction limit or not?

 Yes transactions done by mobile user will be counted in transaction limit.

7.    What is Inbox tab in mobile App?

Bills sent by the company to another company can be viewed in the Inbox tab. The Inbox tab also shows the Amount received by the petty cash or by a company from another company.

8.  What are the charges for Mobile App?

 Mobile app is Available for 15 days free Trial and after that Rs.300/- per user per Year...

9.   What is Expenses Tab mobile App

In expenses tab an executive of the company can report his petty cash expenses done by him and send it to the Authorised and then the authorised person can post this Expenses entry in Tally.


10. Can I input multiple expenses into single voucher?

    Yes you can input multiple expenses In a Single voucher.


11.  Can I view my history of expenses?

Yes you can see your history of expenses in details. To View the history select the history option in the Expenses tab.


12.  Can I see the status of my voucher?

 Yes you can see the status of voucher in History Tab


13.  Can I share my vouchers?

Yes you can share vouchers from history tab. To share a voucher selects the voucher and then select share option.


14.  Can I filter my voucher?

  Yes you can filter your vouchers. To Filter Vouchers sent, go to History tab and select ‘Filter  

 & Sort Option’


15.  What types of filter options are available?

 You can filter your voucher by To Date, From Date, Expenses types, status, and voucher



16.  What to do if my vouchers are not received by the company can I resend it?

 Yes you can resend the vouchers. To resend the vouchers go to History tab and select the

 resend option in the voucher.


17.  Can a mobile user see petty cash balance available with him?

  Yes he can see the petty cash balance available with him. To see the petty cash Balance go

   to the Expenses Tab and on the Top Left hand side you can see the Petty cash balance.