1.    What is the Voucher Inbox Tab?

Voucher Inbox tab lists all types of incoming vouchers and invoices from your B2B network whether vendors or customers.


   2.    Which types of Vouchers will be listed in Voucher Inbox Tab?

It lists Cash Receipt, Bank Receipt or Purchase Vouchers. From here you can post the entries directly into Tally.


   3.     What if don’t want to post particular voucher?

If you don’t want to post a particular voucher select the skip option.


   4.     My client and I use different Bank Accounts, then how I will post bank

        receipt entry?

When you post this incoming entry through AccXchange you will be asked to choose Bank Account out of lists which are fetched from books of that company in Tally.


   5.    If I don’t have created a Bank account in Tally in which I deposited cheque

         orDemand Draft then how AccXchange will treat such a situation?

You can type the name of Bank Account at the given space and AccXchange will automatically create a new Bank Account in the books of the company in Tally.


   6.     Can I change the narration of the entry?

Yes, you can change the narration of entry. When you double click on the entry, you will be displayed all the details of that entry and you can change the narration with ease.


   7.    How narration will be automatically converted?

Narration will be automatically converted by converting the selected phrases which are commonly used like sold to purchased, paid to received etc.


   8.    Can I change the received Vouchers date?

Yes, you can change the date of entry, when you double click on the entry, you will be displayed all the details of the entry and you can change the date of the entry with ease. 


   9.       I want to verify the receipt and purchase first then would like to post the

         voucher entry, how can I do that?

Yes, you can do that. As the entry remains in the Voucher Inbox as long as you don’t post or skip it. Hence you can wait till the original bill is received and verification of the transaction is completed at your end.


  10.   How long the entry will be in Voucher Inbox tab?

 The entry will in the Voucher Inbox as long as you don’t post or skip it.


  11.   How AccXchange will treat the accounts which are not yet created in

          the relevant Company in Tally?

 If the ledger account of the party is not in the tally then a new ledger account will be  automatically created.


 12.   What happens if the items I have purchased are not in the tally masters?

If the items that you have purchased are not in the Tally master, then the masters will be automatically created and that is the power of AccXchange.

Also if items are already in Stock Master but with different name, then an option is available to Map that Item with Existing stock item.


  13.   How the VAT entries will be treated?

Sale entries with Output VAT will automatically convert to Purchase entry with Input



  14.  Does AccXchange support entries with multiple taxes, along with other

         charges  and discount?

Yes, AccXchange supports Entries with multiple taxes along with other charges

and discount.


  15.  How will the entries will be posted if I maintain multiple Go downs?

Currently AccXchange does not support maintenance of multiple God owns. We are working on this feature and will release in upcoming versions shortly.


 16. Can I post the entry even if the Company is not open in Tally?

The company in which you want to post the entry is required to be open in Tally; therefore you cannot post the entry if the company is not open in the tally.


  17.  What about the Product Mapping?

When you post Purchase voucher in Tally, you can map your stock items by selecting from drop down which will display in Mapped Item, thus your inventory will be managed automatically.