1. Do you have any ready solution to use on AccXchange platform?
AccXchange provides a ready-made EDI solution for Tally accounting software. AccXchange also provides API for Electronic Data Interchange for Tally software and hence any software application vendor can quickly build EDI solution for his own applications to exchange data with Tally in addition to building B2B Connectivity solution that works with his own application.
2. Which vouchers types it supports for EDI?
Currently AccXchange EDI solution for Tally supports transformation of data from Sales to Purchases, Cash Payments to Cash Receipts and Bank Payments to Bank Receipts. We are working on the other type of transactions and will add in next release of AccXchange for Tally.
3. If our
supplier uses any other Accounting Software and I use Tally. Whether
AccXchangework in that case too?
Yes, it does support this type of situation, your suppliers can do integration of their Accounting Application / ERP system to Tally through AccXchange API for Tally as listed at Developers Guide section of our web site.
4. Can I
view my party’s ledger balances through AccXchange?
You can view the Ledger balances of your Debtors & Creditors in Ledger Account Tab.
5. How can I manage my ledgers in AccXchange?
You cannot manage ledgers in AccXchange; you can only view the Ledger balances of your Debtors & Creditors in Ledger Account Tab.
6. Do I need to keep AccXchange open to send newly entered vouchers in Tally?
No, you need not be logged in to AccXchange for vouchers to be sent. All the vouchers entered in Tally while AccXchange is closed or not connected to internet, then AccXchange automatically fetches new vouchers whenever AccXchange starts again and relevant company is in Open in Tally.
7. Under which Account Group in Tally that the ledger should be mapped?
The Ledgers of your vendors and clients should be mapped under Sundry Debtors or Sundry Creditors as AccXchange supports exchange of vouchers with Debtors and Creditors only.
8. What
happens when the ledgers of my Vendors & Clients are not mapped under Sundry Debtors or Sundry Creditors? |
If ledgers of your clients and vendors are not mapped under Sundry Debtors or Sundry Creditors then you cannot exchange Sales and Payment vouchers. However once you map any ledger account under Debtors and Creditors group afterwards, then it will start exchanging vouchers of these parties.
happens if I change my ledger groupings in Tally, will it fetch previous
Vouchers entries also?
It will fetch only those entries which are done after the 1st day of the month in which AccXchange is installed.