Possible Issues and Solution

There may be some issues which will arise while using the AccXchange Windows client to directly update the IMEI no in Zed Sales. The possible issues with their solution is as follows

1.       The most common error which occurs is ‘Not found in Zed Sales Posting’


1. This error may occur due to 4 possible reasons

a.       When a Distributor sells a Mobile without acknowledging the receipt of the said mobile in Zed Sales – To resolve this issue check whether any pending acknowledgement of purchase is pending or not.


b.      When a distributor sells a Mobile and bills the retailer before the date of acknowledgement of purchase in Zed Sales – To resolve the issue change the date to the date of acknowledgement while posting the IMEI in Zed Sales


c.       E.g When a distributor sells a Mobile to retailer on 9th Feb and then the retailer returns the mobile on 11th Feb. Then again the distributor sells the mobile to another retailer on 10th Feb then in that case the ‘not found in Zed Sales posting’ error will come - To resolve the issue change the date to the date of after the sales return is updated in Zed Sales while posting the IMEI in Zed Sales


d.      Due to some error there may be some special character such as ‘space’ remains after the IMEI no in description due to the copy and pasting of the IMEI from Excel sheet – To resolve this issue please ensure that there is no space after the IMEI no in description or batches.


2.      2. The next most common error which occurs is ‘some IMEI is not in your stock please check’


This error occurs when the IMEI number which you are updating is not in your stock in Zed Sales. It may be in the stock of some other Distributor or retailer.

To resolve this issue please contact Trust Marketing to re-allocate that particular IMEI in your stock. After that IMEI is allocated in your stock in Zed Sales, acknowledge that you have received that purchase.

After doing all these process now you can easily post the IMEI no status in Zed Sales.


3.       3. Sometimes a user may also get this error ‘Invoice Number Already Exist’


This error occurs when a user is trying to update an Invoice number which has been already been updated in the Zed Sales – to resolve this issue you will have to change the Invoice no in Tally and re-fetch the Invoices of that particular date and then post the IMEI no in Zed Sales.

Or you can manually post that IMEI no in Zed Sales.


4.      4.When you open AccXchange and try to fetch Invoices from Tally and no Invoice are fetched make sure that Only One Tally is Open and the Company in Tally should also be open.


5.      5. Sometimes while updating IMEI no in Zed Sales due to loss of Internet connection the voucher gets flagged as Already posted in Zed Sales even when the IMEI are not updated in Zed Sales – to Resolve this issue open the Sales entry in Tally in which this error occurred and remove the ‘$$’ sign from narration and fetch that entry again in AccXchange. Now you can post this entry in Zed Sales and update the IMEI no.